March 7, 2025
Join us for the Society of 1918’s signature annual event: Gather. Grow. Give. This year, we will gather virtually and focus on the theme of happiness. Throughout the afternoon, we’ll delve into the science of happiness and explore ways to cultivate joy in our lives through a workshop and wellness activities. The day will finish with a happy hour to share what we learn, reminisce and connect with one another.
Join for one session or for all! You can register individually for each session you plan to attend on the registration page.
Schedule of Events:
1-2 P.M. Workshop: The Science of Happiness | Alexis Franzese, associate professor of sociology and chair of the department of sociology and anthropology, Elon University.
Many women feel pressured to “figure out” happiness, check it off a to-do list and be happy all the time. But the demands of our lives and juggling personal and work priorities make achieving happiness no easy feat. In this workshop, we’ll break down the biggest myths surrounding happiness and learn about what actually matters to achieve balance and peace. Participants will leave the workshop with a better understanding of what personal habits currently support their happiness as well as actionable items to help them live their best lives.
2:30-3:30 P.M. Wellness Activity: Happiness Through Mindfulness | Martha Rouleau, adjunct lecturer, McLeod Tyler Wellness Center, William & Mary
The busy pace of life makes it hard to live in the moment. However, by cultivating mindfulness, we can gain focus, clarity and a greater sense of happiness and fulfilment. During this wellness activity, you’ll explore and practice techniques that not only promote happiness but also foster other positive emotions, enhancing your overall well-being.
2:30-3:30 P.M. Wellness Activity: Happiness Through Art Therapy | Sarah Balascio, adjunct lecturer, McLeod Tyler Wellness Center, William & Mary
Explore the power of art therapy in this engaging session. We’ll come together to be creative and focus on the theme of “glimmers”. These are small, sometimes overlooked little moments that can make us feel happy, connected or at peace. No art-making experience is necessary for this session, just a willingness to experiment. Please bring with you some paper and any at-home art materials you might have for drawing or painting.
3:45-4 P.M. One Network for Society Members
Join Michael Steelman, director of alumni career management and professional networks, as he walks us through the ways you can use One Network to connect with and search for other Society members. Set up your profile and learn to utilize the power of One Network.
4-5 P.M. Happy Hour With Fellow Society Members
Bring a happy W&M memory to happy hour! Join fellow Society of 1918 members in fellowship and share your best stories from your time at William & Mary. Wear your Tribe gear or bring a favorite Tribe item. Share fun photos from your days as a W&M student or of memories you have made since your time on campus. We’ll compile a slide show for everyone to enjoy.